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About Me

I was born and raised in Nottingham, England and am of Sierra Leonean heritage. More to the point, I love Star Wars.

Okay, that's all the 'getting to know you' stuff out the way. Onto the writing stuff.

My first full-length book (back in the depths of the 90's) was a little 300 page space opera called 'Damocles : Future History'. It's a great 'little' tale but it's so badly written that it's never going to see the light of day!

My second (and first produced book) was a thriller called 'Lost Angels'. Really liked the story and it sold well but it's no longer available because, again, I don't deem the writing to be high enough quality to be associated with. (Can you be snobby about yourself? If so, I just managed it).

Then somewhere in the early noughties, we strode into Eighty8Tales territory and stuff really began to click. Go to the 'Books' page for a list of Eighty8Tales titles.

If I had to boil down my approach to writing (and I do because that's kind of the point of this page) it would be that I love 'stories'. Whether they be big, small or medium sized. I'm not a massive respecter of genre - if it's a love story that just happens to be between two ghosts, then so be it. The content is king, not the label hanging off the front.

Also - because I like having fun - pretty much all my books happen in the same universe and have some kind of links to each other... even ones that are aimed at different audiences (e.g. there are some interesting links between The Assassin's Wedding and Arthur Ness if you can find them). These are still pretty trivial at the moment but they won't stay that way forever...

So, coming soon : an interactive short story set in the Arthur Ness world, then Dead Heroes and Part 1 of the next Arthur Ness adventure. Then sleep.

Oh, and now let me regale you with tales of my day job as a computer programmer. Now, this is funny. Hopefully, I'll get it in before I hit the character limi

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